Monlau Repsol launches the first Online Master with the aim to form Motorsport’s Engineers at an international level

After teaching seven successfully On Campus editions, this is the first time that these postgraduate studies may be made by remote from next October thanks to the powerful multimedia platform Monlau Online Academy.
Students will receive a specific training entirely in English and will have at their disposal an exhaustive online monitoring that will open them the doors of all motorsport disciplines.
«This is an innovative Online Master, which combines 50% race car and race motorbikes specialty through 24 modules perfectly structured with the current reality of motorsport», says Marc Nadal, Online Engineering Master’s coordinator.
After the great success achieved in the last seven years of the Motorsport On Campus Engineering Master, Monlau Repsol Technical School now launches its new Online version. An unprecedented proposal aimed at those engineers, and motorsport professionals, who cannot attend to lessons in person. From now on, this prestigious postgraduate course opens at international level. It will start in October, although it is already opened the registration process through the website:
The Motorsport On Campus Engineering Master was created in 2009 with the purpose of training engineers specifically for the race cars and motorbikes.
All the experience gained during On Campus promotions now moves to the virtual world, through an Online Master, spoken entirely in English language by a native. The curriculum consists of 24 modules «perfectly structured with the current reality of motorsport» says Marc Nadal, Online Engineering Master’s coordinator. These modules are designed to be eminently practical and dynamic, with a big multimedia content. They also have all kinds of supplementary academical stuff that will be available to students 24 hours a day through the site This interactive web, named as Monlau Online Academy, is developed from the educational platform Moodle and incorporates all the necessary tools, including the complete software with all specific programs: PTC, Ansys, MathWorks, 2D and AIM.
Nadal explains that the new Motorsport Online Engineering Master «is the first and the only 50% divided among the specialties of car and motorbikes with common modules. It has a powerful multimedia platform, the best market software and a bright professor’s team with the aim of training high level engineers able to work in any discipline and field of motor sport”. At the time of enrollment, and after passing the admission process by the Evaluation Committee, students can choose between race car and race motorbikes or opt for a third mixed option that includes both specialties.
To access these postgraduate studies it is essential to be fluent in English language, confirm an engineering degree, bachelor or proven long experience in the motorsport field. From there, a prestigious professor’s faculty, all those engineers active in major race competitions teach students until they become true motorsport specialists in all variants according to the methods, criteria and needs of professional Motorsport Teams and the specialized companies.
This accredited professor’s faculty composed of 18 teachers will be in charge of monitoring students and attend them personally during the year that the course lasts. Once the student has completed a module, within the agreed time, will have to make a practical exercise and, having overcome it, go on to the next module. To this end and in each of the modules, the student will have permanent assistance of their respective tutor who will guide at all times by solving doubts and questions.
Thus, Monlau Repsol expects expand internationally and form engineers for the global elite motorsport, without geographical distances that become a handicap. Registration is now open for the first Online Master edition that will start in October. The second is scheduled for April 2017.
According to the Managing Director of Monlau Repsol, Jaime Serrano, «the creation of this innovative Online Master shows the desire to satisfy a new training demand internationally in the digital age, with the experience and method of an experienced professor’s faculty active in major international race Championships and with the Monlau Group’s teaching guarantee».
Online Engineering Master Monlau Repsol Technical School staff:
Managing Director:Jaime Serrano
Studies Director:Carlos López
Online Master Coordinator:Marc Nadal
Academic Consultant:David Simon
Academic Tutors: Mark Tamaño and Daniel Vilar
Professor’s Faculty: 12 specialized engineers in each Master module
