Monlau Motul bids farewell to its most international class of racing mechanics

  • One hundred motor racing and motorcycle racing technicians, belonging to the 2022/24 promotion, put an end to their training with the graduation ceremony. 
  • The school specialising in motorsport continues its international expansion with students from up to 11 different nationalities. 
  • “Work hard and with the passion that you all have. From now on, you already have a very good technical base, but what will make the difference is the attitude you put into your work to continue accumulating experience,” explains Jaime Serrano, CEO of Monlau Motul Technical School.

The Auditorium of the Fundación ONCE in Barcelona hosted the presentation of diplomas to the students of the 2022/24 promotion of the competition mechanics course that takes place, year after year, at the Monlau Motul Technical School. Up to a hundred technicians specialized in motorsport and motorcycling completed their studies at this internationally renowned school in motorsport. 

So much so that, after more than 25 years of experience in training competition mechanics, the Barcelona school hosted one of its most international promotions. Between motorsport and motorcycling, 11 different countries were represented: Spain, Portugal, France, Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, the United Kingdom, Ecuador, Chile, Panama and Argentina. A diverse promotion also in terms of the origin of the Spanish students, with 10 autonomous communities represented and 18 provinces.

Supported by their families and the entire teaching team, the graduates said goodbye to this training stage that leads to the world of work. A transition that, thanks to the prestige accumulated by Monlau Motul Technical School, is a little easier. “The vast majority of graduates from our school are working in the world of motorsport. No other centre specialising in racing mechanics has this rate of job placement,” says Iban Ventura , general manager of the Monlau Group.

This success is due, in large part, to the level of the teaching staff in charge of imparting knowledge to the students: “I have followed the course since its first classes and I can confirm that, currently, we have the best teaching staff and coordinators in the entire history of the school,” says Carlos López, director of studies. The same passion that moved the graduated technicians to enrol at the time is the one that each of the teachers transmit in each class. “We must value not only what they transmit, but how they transmit it,” adds Ventura.

In addition to the teaching team, the practical work carried out by the students during the course is one of the great virtues of the school, which distinguishes it from other specialised centres, as Jaime Serrano , CEO of Monlau Motul Technical School, points out: “The practical work, many of which are carried out thanks to the agreements we have with teams and brands, make the students more familiar with the scenarios they may ride on tomorrow”. 

In this sense, two data demonstrate the relevant role of the practical part: in motor racing, it has been the year with the most international practical work in the history of the school. And in motorcycling, in the final project of the course – the Monlau Motul Endurance Race – the record time in the mandatory pit stops was broken.

Serrano wanted to send a message to the graduated mechanics, sitting in the front rows of the auditorium: “Work hard and with passion. From now on, you already have a very good technical base, but what will make the difference is the attitude you put into it. And, above all, enjoy it, because you are going to work in what you have always dreamed of.” Marc Bernabé , the number 1 student in the motorcycling class, also values ​​the internships as one of the most valued aspects : “They are a differentiating point of this training. Being able to be on the track and work as a team with your classmates is a unique experience. I also really value the fact that they offer you a job after finishing the training, something that would undoubtedly be more difficult to find outside of school.” 

For his part, Roberto Martín , the best academic record in motor racing, highlights “the value of having active teachers who, when you arrive at class on Monday, tell you about the experiences they have had on the circuits at the weekend. They really teach you what the profession is like from the inside and make you live real situations.” 

In total, six students were recognized for their perseverance with Motul scholarships, reserved for the three best records in each specialty. Marc Bernabé, Guillermo García and Yago Domínguez in motorcycling and Roberto Martín, Nikolay Milenov and Ángel Corporales in motorsport received their scholarship from Saul Tagarro, general manager of Motul Ibérica. “It is very exciting to experience days like this, where you see excitement and energy on the faces of the graduates. It seems like a stage is coming to an end when in reality everything begins today. At Motul it is a pleasure to be at Monlau’s side and share with them values ​​such as brotherhood, passion, innovation, commitment and excellence.” 

The scholarship, which involves financial aid for the graduated technician, is not only based on grades, but also on aspects such as progress and consistency throughout the course.

Once a unique training stage is over, an infinite range of possibilities opens up, where, for sure, adversities will appear, but they are nothing more than a channel to reach success, as Carlos López points out.
