- After ten intense months of work, 28 graduates of the Master of Motorsport Engineering close this stage with the graduation ceremony.
- Thanks to active teachers, students receive theoretical-practical training that catapults them into the professional world with the encouragement of Motul scholarships, which recognize the best records.
- “ I feel like I’m in a dream that I don’t want to wake up from. I have really enjoyed the master’s degree because it has passionate and very experienced teachers ,” explains Carles Parera, number one in the class.
Monlau Motul Technical School has graduated its 14th class of the Master of Engineering in Motorsport, which included 28 students from many corners of Spain and four other countries. All of them, with the same common denominator: their passion for competition and the great effort they have shown throughout the course to complete their studies with the best grade and the greatest learning possible. The graduation ceremony, which was held in Barcelona and brought together teachers, students and some of their families, marked the end of ten intense months of theoretical-practical training.
The new graduates are already included among the more than 400 students who, throughout these years, have passed through the facilities of Monlau Motul Technical School in Barcelona, and who, thanks to the master’s degree, have been able to access the professional world of the elite of the motorsport. To do this, they have had to first complete a training of 350 teaching hours where a faculty of active and top-level teachers has given them the opportunity to learn the theory and then put it into practice on the circuits.
The practical approach to the studies, where the content is permanently updated by the teachers, is one of the keys that explain the success of the Master of Engineering, which has its culmination in the final practice of the course. An experience created in the environment of a real event where students must not only demonstrate the knowledge acquired but also their ability to manage mechanics and pilots.
“ You have the privilege of dedicating yourself to what you like. Continue to evolve every day, with work and perseverance, because in the world of motorsport it is essential. Of course, always enjoy what you do ,” Iban Ventura , general director of the Monlau Group , advised the graduates .
The importance of maintaining a positive and proactive attitude has been present in all the interventions at the graduation ceremony, also in that of Jaime Serrano , general director of Monlau Motul Technical School: “ Attitude is passion, because motorsport is passion. With attitude, you can go where you didn’t think you could. And in a field as sacrificial and demanding as ours, it is even more important to progress professionally .”
In the process of continuous improvement of the master’s degree, its coordinator, Gerard Gasulla , who was new to the position, has played a relevant role this year: “ Being a former student of the master’s degree has helped me better understand what needs students may have in their day. a day. It is nice to see that the distance that exists during the first days of the course between students and teachers quickly disappears and they form a great team .”
The search for excellence, awarded with the Motul scholarships.
Once again, the students have had a powerful incentive to achieve the best possible grades at the end of the course with the Motul scholarships, which distinguish and reward the three students with the best academic record of the promotion. It is a way to enhance and recognize the enormous effort made that financial aid represents to cover part of the tuition.
The student Nuria Sáez, from Zaragoza, received her distinction with the third best grade, an 8.57. Just ahead of her, with a grade of 8.80, Víctor Martínez, from Cuenca, received her scholarship. The last to take the stage, with the best academic record, was Carles Parera, originally from Fonollosa (Barcelona), who achieved a brilliant 9.17.
Former trial and enduro rider, and with an extensive training career, Carles Parera wanted to thank the management team, teachers and colleagues for their work, in addition to defining his emotions: “ I feel like I’m in a dream from which I don’t want to wake up. I have really enjoyed the master’s degree, which has passionate and very experienced teachers. And the practices on the circuit are very well organized ”, He highlighted.
Parera also recalled the moment when he decided to sign up for these studies: “ There is a day when it is difficult to start the engine and you wonder what you want to do, and that is when I decide to trust Monlau Motul Technical School to dedicate myself to motorsport as an engineer .”
The scholarships have been awarded thanks to the commitment and complicity that Motul, a renowned brand of oils, lubricants and vehicle care, shares with Monlau. A close bond that Saul Tagarro , general director of Motul Ibérica, talks about: “ We are delighted to walk alongside Monlau because we share the same values: ambition, competition, enthusiasm, perseverance, non-conformity and innovation. It is a winning formula .”
Almost fifteen years old, the Master of Motorsport Engineering has achieved outstanding international prestige, as demonstrated by the diversity of geographical origins of the enrolled students.
This latest promotion has not been an exception, with 12 Spanish provinces represented, as well as 4 other countries: Portugal, Mexico, Colombia and India. At the expense of the start of the fifteenth edition, in February 2024, future students are already warming up to begin this adventure, which should open the doors to the elite of the world of motorsport, their passion and future profession.