Team Estrella Galicia 0.0 fights against adversity at the FIM JuniorGP™ in Barcelona

  • In the JuniorGP™ double event, Máximo Quiles was fourth and Facundo Llambías sixth, while bad luck accompanied Casey O’Gorman. 
  • Pau Alsina and Jesús Torres were the team’s best finishers in the European Talent Cup with an eighth and ninth position, respectively.
  • “We have had a little of everything in Montmeló, but we are left with the enormous talent that our pilots are showing to possess in both categories. We are convinced that better results will come in the next races,”  says Jaime Serrano, CEO of the team.

Team Estrella Galicia 0,0 experienced an intense and demanding weekend in the third round of the FIM JuniorGP™ 2024, held at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya. Despite this, he achieved several notable results, including fourth place for Máximo Quiles in JuniorGP™ and sixth for Facundo Llambías, as well as eighth and ninth for Pau Alsina and Jesús Torres, respectively, in the European Talent Cup.

The JuniorGP™ category drivers competed in two races on the Catalan circuit, where  Máximo Quiles  demonstrated, once again, his rapid adaptation to the category. After a great start that put him in the lead in the first race, he had to serve a double long lap penalty that did not prevent him from continuing and finishing in fourth place. However, a subsequent penalty relegated him to 15th position.

Close behind Quiles was his teammate  Facundo Llambías , sixth, who showed good pace with the Honda.  Casey O’Gorman  suffered a mechanical setback at the start that did not prevent him from making a great comeback, although he was unable to take the checkered flag. The second race of the day was a clear example of the maximum equality that the JuniorGP™ category has experienced so far this season. Races marked by numerous overtaking and with uncertain endings, as happened in Montmeló.

Quiles once again made an excellent start and occupied the first positions at all times, as did his teammates O’Gorman and Llambías. With three laps remaining, and with everything to be decided, Llambías suffered a crash with another driver that left him out of the race, while in the last corners O’Gorman was also surprised by a crash, although he managed to see the checkered flag. in 15th position. Quiles touched the podium and finished fourth.

With these results, Quiles is eighth in the general classification with 31 points and is the best positioned in the team, closely followed by O’Gorman, 10th, with 25.

For their part, the European Talent Cup drivers had a only race.  Jesús Torres  and  Pau Alsina , who started in the second and third row of the grid, respectively, could not get off to a good start and were placed in a second block of drivers who were fighting for intermediate positions. With great effort, Alsina finished eighth and Torres ninth. Behind,  Marianos Nikolis  made an outstanding comeback from the last row of the grid to finish 15th, while  Enzo Bellon  continued his evolution and was 21st.  Fernando Bujosa , who had just finished on the podium in Estoril, could not finish.

Jesús Torres remains the Team Estrella Galicia 0.0 driver best classified in the ETC overall with a sixth position and 52 points.

“We have had a little bit of everything in Montmeló, with some unexpected obstacles that have conditioned us. But, without a doubt, we are left with the enormous talent that our pilots are showing to possess in JuniorGP™ and the ETC. With work and perseverance we are convinced that better results will come in the next races,”  reflects  Jaime Serrano , CEO of the team.

Max Moro , Team Leader Project,  is also optimistic  : “Quiles and Llambías have had spectacular races, but both have been conditioned by external factors. In JuniorGP™, it is being a year of large groups, with many overtakings that push the drivers to the limit. O’Gorman hasn’t had much luck either, although he proves to be one of the strongest drivers in the category. In the ETC, the start has affected the results of Alsina and Torres, who have still been able to finish in the Top 10. All the team’s drivers have fought hard in the race and they will surely improve in Portugal.” 

After the spectacle seen at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya, the FIM JuniorGP™ calendar takes a short break and will return on June 23 at the Autódromo Internacional Algarve (Portugal). The JuniorGP™ drivers will compete in two races, while the ETC drivers will compete in just one.
